I wish I could do something.
I feel powerless.
All I can do is watch, listen, hope and pray.
What I've already suspected (what everyone has suspected) is true.
What was never spoken of, has become public. So now what?
Back to the same old same old? Back to business as usual?
I want to protect you, but that's not possible.
I want to help you, but you have to help yourself.
Your not 5 years old where I can just grab you and place you out of harms way.
I wish it were that easy, and in my mind you are still 5 years old.
But that's not the truth and that's not reality.
Don't you understand that what you do to yourself, you also do to us.
When you do what you do, you hurt everyone and anyone who gives a dam about you.
Why has it become this way? How did we get here?
Look in the mirror and tell me what you see?
It's not the enemy you see, its the enemy that lives with in.
How do we fix this? What can be done?
What magical words do you put together so that you can understand?
Please come back to us, I know there is still a little bit of who I know in there.
I'm afraid of the road that you are currently traveling.
The only road I want you to find, is the road back to us.
Your lost and we all want to find you again.