Oct 11, 2009

Militant Technology Followers

I love technology, I mean who doesn't? Especially the gadgets, they are like toys for adults. The latest in what's new with cellphones, computers, home entertainment, social networking, blogging, interesting websites, you name it I have a vested interest in what's hip and new. I'm not a geek, I guess I'm a geek sympathizer, I find computers and technology interesting, I mean how can you not? We are literally surrounded by it. But I've noticed that whenever the subject matter of Apple or Microsoft or even Google is brought up, there seems to be a cult following, almost militant following toward brand names.

Take for example Apple, from what I hear the city of San Francisco is pretty much the mecca of the Apple community. I don't think there is a computer in San Francisco that is made by Microsoft and if you do happen to walk into a coffee shop in San Francisco with your PC laptop, your looked at like as if there is something wrong with you. The stereotypes even follow there perceptive figure heads, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Steve Jobs is looked at as an innovator, a leader, someone that we should try and be like, Bill Gates on the other hand is looked at as cooperate, money hungry, as being part of,  "the system", the Willie Loman from Death of a Salesman.

I see it as a battle to rule the world actually, and if you think Microsoft and Apple are the only big players, think again, Google it seems also wants its share of taking over the world. It's not just a search engine, here is a list of Google Products---->GOOGLE  heck this blog is a Google Product! As a consumer, I really don't care, there are positives with all these companies and as most consumers, I'm really encouraged by the competition that these technology businesses have with one another, competition can only benefit us, the public. In any event, I look forward to being ruled by our geek overlords.

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